The Book of the Queen’s Dolls’ House by Lawrence Weaver

The Book of the Queen’s Dolls’ House by Lawrence Weaver

The Book of the Queen’s Dolls’ House by Lawrence Weaver, A.C. Benson, and E. V. Lucas. The one I read had the note: “This edition is limited to 1,500 copies of which this is no. 322.” This year marks the 100th anniversary of the Dolls’…

The Queen’s Dolls’ House by Lucinda Lambton

The Queen’s Dolls’ House by Lucinda Lambton

The Queen’s Dolls’ House by Lucinda Lambton is a fascinating book about a piece of art. It was never intended to be used as a children’s toy. It was created to thank Queen Mary in the early 1920s for her involvement in the war effort…

The Miniature Library of Queen Mary’s Dolls’ House by Elizabeth Ashby

The Miniature Library of Queen Mary’s Dolls’ House by Elizabeth Ashby

I bought The Miniature Library of Queen Mary’s Dolls’ House by Elizabeth Ashby from Windsor. It is the 100th anniversary of the Dolls’ House, so I wanted to read about it. I also bought a book on the Dolls’ House. This one, on the library…

2023 in Books

2023 in Books

For the 3rd year in a row I finished 89 books in an year! My goal for this year is: 89 again. All are pictured below. Also, all are reviewed on the blog, if you are curious to know more about any of them. I…

London by Jack Chesher

London by Jack Chesher

London by Jack Chesher – A Guide for Curious Wanderers* is nicely illustrated by Katharine Fraser. This is not the usual kind of guide book, as it has no photos but only illustrations, and it doesn’t cover the “must-see” that you are familiar with from…

Chess for Dummies by James Eade

Chess for Dummies by James Eade

Chess for Dummies by James Eade is the first book I read on chess and it is a very good book to start with. It gets a bit repetitive at times with the directions to other parts of the book, but it is worth reading…

Read the World 03

Read the World 03

I was hoping for 6 new countries last year, but I managed a total of 11. It brings the total to 36! These are the books I’ve read, all reviewed on the blog. This year I will aim for another 6 books from 6 new…

My 2022 in Books

My 2022 in Books

For the second year in a row I managed to read 89 books! How funny is that? I made 89 the goal for this year too. My 2022 in Books: 9 fiction books (22 last year). My favourite fiction book: 1984 by George Orwell (Animal…

Designing Graphic Props for Filmmaking by Annie Atkins

Designing Graphic Props for Filmmaking by Annie Atkins

I bought Designing Graphic Props for Filmmaking by Annie Atkins when I visited a museum in London. It seemed interesting even if I’m not too keen on movies. Well, this book didn’t disappoint at all. It is a behind-the-scenes insight into the complicated design of…

Wondrous Words. Words New To Me #7

Wondrous Words. Words New To Me #7

After a long pause of these posts, today I’m sharing 5 words, the first this year. I can’t remember where I heard them. Some are from lectures, such as catenary. For fun we are watching a series of lectures on architecture, which is fascinating. Others…

The Architecture Lover’s Guide to London by Sian Lye

The Architecture Lover’s Guide to London by Sian Lye

The Architecture Lover’s Guide to London by Sian Lye* is a must for anyone visiting London. It’s such a wonderful book, filled with interesting details, some are on how buildings were made, others on why the buildings were built in the first place. It starts…

Joy of Jigsaws by Holly Lambert

Joy of Jigsaws by Holly Lambert

Joy of Jigsaws by Holly Lambert* – A Puzzler’s Guide and How to Make Your Own – was just the book I wanted to read. In the last few months we’ve started making a lot of puzzles and, even more, we mounted 9 on them…

Read the World 02

Read the World 02

From the first post, in which I talked about the challenge, published in January last year, I read 6 more authors. This was my target for 2021. This year I have the same target of 6. Here is the list of the new countries and…

My 2021 in Books

My 2021 in Books

My 2021 in Books. I had the target of 100 books, but managed only 89, which is not bad. I’m happy even if I didn’t reach the 100 mark. My 2021 in Books: 22 fiction books. My favourite fiction book: Animal Farm by George Orwell.…

Wondrous Words. Words New To Me #6

Wondrous Words. Words New To Me #6

Today I’m sharing 4 words. Although I heard eschatology before and understood its meaning from the reading I was doing, but, even so, I’ve decided to include it. Mores is a word I was puzzled about and didn’t get its meaning from the reading, so…

A Photographic Journey Through the London Underground by Elke Rollmann, Niko Rollmann

A Photographic Journey Through the London Underground by Elke Rollmann, Niko Rollmann

A Photographic Journey Through the London Underground by Elke Rollmann, Niko Rollmann* is a great book. I just moved to London and so I was very keen to read this book. Luckily it arrived before moving and I could take it with me. What’s amazing…