Eleanor Oliphant is completely fine by Gail Honeyman

Eleanor Oliphant is completely fine by Gail Honeyman is a novel (almost) everybody knows about. It was the winner of Costa Book Awards in 2017 and I’ve read reviews for it on a lot of blogs. Finally I’ve borrowed it from the library and I’ve read it. It wasn’t my intent to start reading it on the day I’ve collect it from the library, but I was waiting for my husband in the car, while he was buying something very important from Tool Station (have no clue, so he must be right)… so I opened the book. I continued reading on the way home and I finished the book the following day. It’s so gripping and it is a fascinating book. I couldn’t relate to Eleanor at all, but it didn’t matter. I don’t want to say too much from the book, so I don’t spoil the surprise for anybody that hadn’t read the book as yet, but it is well written and researched as well. I liked Eleanor and I think Honeyman presented loneliness and mental health in an alluring way.

Eleanor Oliphant is completely fine by Gail Honeyman

“If someone asks you how you are, you are meant to say FINE. You are not meant to say that you cried yourself to sleep last night because you hadn’t spoken to another person for two consecutive days. FINE is what you say.”

“in principle and reality, libraries are life-enhancing palaces of wonder”

“I’m not sure I’d like to be burned. I think I might like to be fed to zoo animals. It would be both environmentally friendly and a lovely treat for the larger carnivores. Could you request that?”

“Obscenity is the distinguishing hallmark of a sadly limited vocabulary.”

“Janey was planning a short engagement, she’d simpered, and so, of course, the inevitable collection for the wedding present would soon follow. Of all the compulsory financial contributions, that is the one that irks me most. Two people wander around John Lewis picking out lovely items for themselves, and then they make other people pay for them. It’s bare-faced effrontery. They choose things like plates, bowls and cutlery-I mean, what are they doing at the moment: shovelling food from packets into their mouths with their bare hands? I simply fail to see how the act of legally formalizing a human relationship necessitates friends, family and co-workers upgrading the contents of their kitchen for them.”

Eleanor Oliphant is completely fine by Gail Honeyman

Details about the picture: –
My rating: 5/5 Stars.
Would I recommend it: Yes
Published by: HarperCollins Publishers
Year it was published: 2018
Format: Paperback
Genre(s): Fiction
Pages: 390

About the author: This is Gail Honeyman’s debut novel. She wrote it while working a full-time job. It was shortlisted for the Lucy Cavendish Fiction Prize as a work in progress. Furthermore, she was awarded the Scottish Book Trust’s Next Chapter Award 2014, was longlisted for BBC Radio 4’s Opening Lines, and was shortlisted for the Bridport Prize. She lives in Glasgow.
Website & Social Media Links: @GailHoneyman on twitter

2 thoughts on “Eleanor Oliphant is completely fine by Gail Honeyman”

  • I’ve recently read this book too, and absolutely loved it – such an interesting and different read!
    Emily xx

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